Copperbelt University School of Medicine is dedicated into changing the lives of the community in Zambia by improving their health hence facilitating them to be more productive. In the week of July 10-15, 2022, Department of Dental and Clinical Sciences, of School of Medicine, Michael Chilufya sata campus conducted the community outreach to address oral health issues and COVID 19 prevention at Chitokoroki Ward in Zambezi District. The team comprised of Dental staff and students.

The community outreach conducted is a result of grant from HOPE FOUNDATION to support vulnerable population. It is awarded annually to organizations or individuals who are involved in bringing an impact to the vulnerable community. The CBU Dental Community Outreach to vulnerable community identified Chitokoroki ward in Zambezi district as a community vulnerable to oral diseases. The community outreach grant was awarded to Dr. Chrispinus Hakimu Mumena, who is the head of Department of Dental Clinical Sciences at Michael Chilufya Sata School of Medicine, (MCS-SOM). This the report of the first phase of implementation of the project that intended to address the community needs in the Chitokoroki ward.

Fig 1: Standing from left is Dr. Chrispinus Hakimu Mumena, the PI, Dr. David Mac Adams the Anaesthesiologist and acting in charge of the Chitokoroki Mission Hospital, Sr. Jr nurse in charge in theatre, and immediate in charge after Dr. David, Mr. Satish, the representative of Chemi and Cortex Zambia, the supply of whitedent tooth paste and tooth brush, Dr. Rajab Sasi, In charge of community outreach in the Department of Dental Clinical Sciences at CBU-MCS-SOM.


Location of Chitokoroki:

Chitokoroki is a ward located in Zambezi district, a road distance of 700 km from Ndola and 40 km from the Zambezi town. It is located on the Zambezi river in Northwest province. It is 100% rural, and has a population of 4,199 (2010 census). Zambezi district has a population of 80, 306( The word “ Chitokoroki” means a place of sand. As is the name, the place is composed of sand making some areas within difficult to reach by car. Only 4 wheels drive cars can access all areas. The means transport to the area from Zambezi town centre is by small cars carrying 7 people. The cars operate only during the day from morning to evening at 18 hours.

Chitokoroki Mission Hospital is a 200 bed hospital that serves a population of 150,000 in the Zambezi district””.   The public hospital which is the Zambezi district hospital which is located …. Km from Chitokoroki. The missionary hospital is operated partly with support from the visiting doctors from abroad and within the country. Most of the services are available except dental services. The specialized services are received intermittently through booking patients in a specific period when the Doctor or the team arrives. Specialized services are occasional.


Fig 2. Showing the map of Chitokoroki ward (image from

CBU-SOM is located in Ndola district about 700 km from Chitokoroki. Dental clinical sciences department has specialized dentists and train BDS in the country. Due to operation from the central budget, there is limited budget to support any community outreach especially in the far areas such as Chitokoroki.


Purpose of the project: promote and improve the oral health and general wellbeing of the vulnerable population.


Aim 1: reduction of occurrence of oral diseases and COVID transmission through oral health education and hand washing hygiene among the community in Zambezi district


  • Provide oral hygiene instruction, and oral health education about the causes of oral/dental diseases,
  • Distribute dentifrices to the community for promotion of good oral hygiene practices
  • Sensitize hand hygiene to prevent COVID and water based diseases

Aim 2: reduction of morbidity from preventable dental diseases


  • identify dental treatment needs of the community
  • identify oral diseases for emergency dental treatment onsite
  • identify dental diseases that needs elective dental treatment

Aim 3: reduction of the burden of dental disease to the community


  • Treatment for oral tumours at chitokoloki missionary hospital by provision of oral and maxillofacial surgical services
  • Atraumatic restorative treatment for all dental lesions requiring fillings
  • Advanced restorative treatment of teeth using the missionary infrastructure


Fig 3. Demonstration of tooth brushing technique as part of oral health education to a group of children at Nyamona Primary school.


A                                                                               B

Fig 4A. CBU oral health team attending at Chitokoroki Mission Hospital. Oral health education and provision of tooth paste and tooth brush on going. In B, the client receiving tooth paste and tooth brush from CBU team.



Fig 5 A. A student demonstrating tooth brushing technique to a community member at the Chitokoroki Mission Hospital, which was among the centres of outreach. B. a student demonstrating tooth brushing technique, after providing a free toothpaste and tooth brush to a community member at the Chitokoroki Mission Hospital.




Fig 6: People queuing to receive the oral health care during the outreach. Old people, pregnant mothers and small children were directed to sit down to avoid standing in the que as these were special group.


            A.                                           B.                                                   C                                                                       

Fig 7. A: The photo displays the pathologies identified in the community. In this photo, the crown of the tooth is missing due to dental caries, and the root has perforated the mucosa to appear in the mouth. In B, the teeth crowns of the teeth are completely eroded away, the condition called Bruxism, that is manifested due to chewing the teeth as a result of stress, or bad oral habits of chewing materials such as sticks C, the patient has lost some anterior teeth due to periodontal and gum diseases.



Fig 8. Outreach activities continuing in one of the station at Nyamona primary school.      




                                        A                                                                          B

Fig 9. A: Dr. Chrispinus H. Mumena, the PI of the project performing a minor surgery to a community member diagnosed with oral pathology. In B. a BDS student performing tooth extraction to a community member who was found with many root remnants due to dental caries.



The department conveys sincerely gratitude to HOPE FOUNDATION for awarding the grant to this project. We acknowledge Chemi & Cortex (Distributor: Gourock Zambia LTD) for supporting the project with dentifrices (family size toothpaste and tooth brush). Every member of the community who received the dentifrices, smiled happily. We last but not least acknowledge CBU management for approving the use of the grant for the intended activities.


