Zambian Woods


    IAWA Feature# Feature Code Options    
    Growth Rings
  1   Growth ring boundaries distinct
  2   Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent
  3   Wood ring-porous
  4   Wood semi-ring-porous
  5   Wood diffuse-porous
    Vessel arrangement
  6   Vessels in tangential bands
  7   Vessels in diagonal and / or radial pattern
  8   Vessels in dendritic pattern
    Vessel groupings
  9   Vessels exclusively solitary (90% or more)
  10   Vessels in radial multiples of 4 or more common
  11   Vessel clusters common
    Solitary vessel outline
  12   Solitary vessel outline angular
    Perforation plates
  13   Simple perforation plates
  14   Scalariform perforation plates
  15   Scalariform perforation plates with <= 10 bars
  16   Scalariform perforation plates with 10 - 20 bars
  17   Scalariform perforation plates with 20 - 40 bars
  18   Scalariform perforation plates with >= 40 bars
  19   Reticulate, foraminate, and / or other types of multiple perforation plates
    Intervessel pits: arrangement and size
  20   Intervessel pits scalariform
  21   Intervessel pits opposite
  22   Intervessel pits alternate
  23   Shape of alternate pits polygonal
  24   Minute - <= 4 µm
  25   Small - 4 - 7 µm
  26   Medium - 7 - 10 µm
  27   Large - >= 10 µm
    Vestured pits
  29   Vestured pits
    Vessel - ray pitting
  30   Vessel-ray pits with distinct borders; similar to intervessel pits in size and shape throughout the ray cell
  31   Vessel-ray pits with much reduced borders to apparently simple: pits rounded or angular
  32   Vessel-ray pits with much reduced borders to apparently simple: pits horizontal (scalariform, gash-like) to vertical (palisade)
  33   Vessel-ray pits of two distinct sizes or types in the same ray cell
  34   Vessel-ray pits unilaterally compound and coarse (over 10 µm)
  35   Vessel-ray pits restricted to marginal rows
    Helical thickenings
  36   Helical thickenings in vessel elements present
  37   Helical thickenings throughout body of vessel element
  38   Helical thickenings only in vessel element tails
  39   Helical thickenings only in narrower vessel elements
    Tangential diameter of vessel lumina
    Mean tangential diameter of vessel lumina
  40   <= 50 µm
  41   50 - 100 µm
  42   100 - 200 µm
  43   >= 200 µm
  45   Vessels of two distinct diameter classes, wood not ring-porous
    Vessels per square millimetre
  46   <= 5 vessels per square millimetre
  47   5 - 20 vessels per square millimetre
  48   20 - 40 vessels per square millimetre
  49   40 - 100 vessels per square millimetre
  50   >= 100 vessels per square millimetre
    Mean vessel element length
  52   <= 350 µm
  53   350 - 800 µm
  54   >= 800 µm
    Tyloses and deposits in vessels
  56   Tyloses common
  57   Tyloses sclerotic
  58   Gums and other deposits in heartwood vessels
    Wood vesselless
  59   Wood vesselless
    Tracheids and fibres
  60   Vascular / vasicentric tracheids present
    Ground tissue fibres
  61   Fibres with simple to minutely bordered pits
  62   Fibres with distinctly bordered pits
  63   Fibre pits common in both radial and tangential walls
  64   Helical thickenings in ground tissue fibres
    Septate fibres and parenchyma-like fibre bands
  65   Septate fibres present
  66   Non-septate fibres present
  67   Parenchyma-like fibre bands alternating with ordinary fibres
    Fibre wall thickness
  68   Fibres very thin-walled
  69   Fibres thin- to thick-walled
  70   Fibres very thick-walled
    Mean fibre lengths
  71   <= 900 µm
  72   900-1600 µm
  73   >= 1600 µm
    Axial parenchyma
  75   Axial parenchyma absent or extremely rare
    Apotracheal axial parenchyma
  76   Axial parenchyma diffuse
  77   Axial parenchyma diffuse-in-aggregates
    Paratracheal axial parenchyma
  78   Axial parenchyma scanty paratracheal
  79   Axial parenchyma vasicentric
  80   Axial parenchyma aliform
  81   Axial parenchyma lozenge-aliform
  82   Axial parenchyma winged-aliform
  83   Axial parenchyma confluent
  84   Axial parenchyma unilateral paratracheal
    Banded parenchyma
  85   Axial parenchyma bands more than three cells wide
  86   Axial parenchyma in narrow bands or lines up to three cells wide
  87   Axial parenchyma reticulate
  88   Axial parenchyma scalariform
  89   Axial parenchyma in marginal or in seemingly marginal bands
    Axial parenchyma cell type / strand length
  90   Fusiform parenchyma cells
  91   Two cells per parenchyma strand
  92   Four (3-4) cells per parenchyma strand
  93   Eight (5-8) cells per parenchyma strand
  94   Over eight cells per parenchyma strand
  95   Unlignified parenchyma
    Ray width
  96   Rays exclusively uniseriate
  97   Ray width 1 to 3 cells
  98   Larger rays commonly 4 - to 10 seriate
  99   Larger rays commonly > 10-seriate
  100   Rays with multiseriate portion(s) as wide as uniseriate portions
    Aggregate rays
  101   Aggregate rays
    Ray height
  102   Ray height > 1 mm
    Rays of two distinct sizes
  103   Rays of two distinct sizes
    Rays: cellular composition
  104   All ray cells procumbent
  105   All ray cells upright and / or square
  106   Body ray cells procumbent with one row of upright and / or square marginal cells
  107   Body ray cells procumbent with mostly 2-4 rows of upright and / or square marginal cells
  108   Body ray cells procumbent with over 4 rows of upright and / or square marginal cells
  109   Rays with procumbent, square and upright cells mixed throughout the ray
    Sheath cells
  110   Sheath cells
    Tile cells
  111   Tile cells
    Perforated ray cells
  112   Perforated ray cells
    Disjunctive ray parenchyma cell walls
  113   Disjunctive ray parenchyma cell walls
    Rays per millimetre
  114   <= 4 / mm
  115   4-12 / mm
  116   >= 12 /mm
    Wood rayless
  117   Wood rayless
    Storied structure
  118   All rays storied
  119   Low rays storied, high rays non-storied.
  120   Axial parenchyma and / or vessel elements storied
  121   Fibres storied
  122   Rays and / or axial elements irregularly storied
    Secretory elements and cambial variants
    Oil and mucilage cells
  124   Oil and / or mucilage cells associated with ray parenchyma
  125   Oil and / or mucilage cells associated with axial parenchyma
  126   Oil and / or mucilage cells present among fibres
    Intercellular canals
  127   Axial canals in long tangential lines
  128   Axial canals in short tangential lines
  129   Axial canals diffuse
  130   Radial canals
  131   Intercellular canals of traumatic origin
    Tubes / tubules
  132   Laticifers or tanniniferous tubes
    Cambial variants
  133   Included phloem, concentric
  134   Included phloem, diffuse
  135   Other cambial variants
    Mineral inclusions
    Prismatic crystals
  136   Prismatic crystals present
  137   Prismatic crystals in upright and / or square ray cells
  138   Prismatic crystals in procumbent ray cells
  139   Prismatic crystals in radial alignment in procumbent ray cells
  140   Prismatic crystals in chambered upright and / or square ray cells
  141   Prismatic crystals in non-chambered axial parenchyma cells
  142   Prismatic crystals in chambered axial parenchyma cells
  143   Prismatic crystals in fibres
  144   Druses present
  145   Druses in ray parenchyma cells
  146   Druses in axial parenchyma cells
  147   Druses in fibres
  148   Druses in chambered cells
    Other crystal types
  149   Raphides
  150   Acicular crystals
  151   Styloids and / or elongate crystals
  152   Crystals of other shapes (mostly small)
  153   Crystal sand
    Other diagnostic crystal features
  154   More than one crystal of about the same size per cell or chamber
  155   Two distinct sizes of crystals per cell or chamber
  156   Crystals in enlarged cells
  157   Crystals in tyloses
  158   Cystoliths
  159   Silica bodies present
  160   Silica bodies in ray cells
  161   Silica bodies in axial parenchyma cells
  162   Silica bodies in fibres
  163   Vitreous silica
    Appendix -- Non-anatomical information
    Geographical distribution
  164   Europe and temperate Asia (Brazier and Franklin region 75)
  165   Europe, excluding Mediterranean
  166   Mediterranean including Northern Africa and Middle East
  167   Temperate Asia (China), Japan, Russia
  168   Central South Asia (Brazier and Franklin region 75)
  169   India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
  170   Burma
  171   Southeast Asia and Pacific (Brazier and Franklin region 76)
  172   Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia (Indochina)
  173   Indomalesia: Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Papua, New Guinea, and Solomon Islands
  174   Pacific Islands (including New Caledonia, Samoa, Hawaii, and Fiji)
  175   Australia and New Zealand (Brazier and Franklin region 77)
  176   Australia
  177   New Zealand
  178   Tropical mainland Africa and adjacent islands (Brazier and Franklin region 78)
  179   Tropical Africa
  180   Madagascar & Mauritius, Réunion & Comores
  181   Southern Africa (south of the Tropic of Capricorn) (Brazier and Franklin region 79)
  182   North America, north of Mexico (Brazier and Franklin region 80)
  183   Neotropics and temperate Brazil (Brazier and Franklin region 81)
  184   Mexico and Central America
  185   Carribean
  186   Tropical South America
  187   Southern Brazil
  188   Temperate South America including Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and S. Paraguay (Brazier and Franklin region 82)
  189   Tree
  190   Shrub
  191   Vine / liana
    Wood of commercial importance
  192   Wood of commercial importance
    Specific gravity
  193   Basic specific gravity low, <= 0.40
  194   Basic specific gravity medium, 0.40-0.75
  195   Basic specific gravity high, >= 0.75
    Heartwood colour
  196   Heartwood colour darker than sapwood colour
  197   Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown
  198   Heartwood basically red or shades of red
  199   Heartwood basically yellow or shades of yellow
  200   Heartwood basically white to grey
  201   Heartwood with streaks
  202   Heartwood not as above
  203   Distinct odour
    Heartwood fluorescent
  204   Heartwood flourescent
    Water & ethanol extracts: fluorescence & colour
  205   Water extract fluorescent
  206   Water extract basically colourless to brown or shades of brown
  207   Water extract basically red or shades of red
  208   Water extract basically yellow or shades of yellow
  209   Water extract not as above
  210   Ethanol extract fluorescent
  211   Ethanol extract basically colourless to brown or shades of brown
  212   Ethanol extract basically red or shades of red
  213   Ethanol extract basically yellow or shades of yellow
  214   Ethanol extract not as above
    Froth test
  215   Froth test positive
    Chrome Azurol-S test
  216   Chrome Azurol-S test positive
    Burning splinter test
  217   Splinter burns to charcoal
  218   Splinter burns to a full ash: Colour of ash bright white
  219   Splinter burns to a full ash: Colour of ash yellow-brown
  220   Splinter burns to a full ash: Colour of ash other than above
  221   Splinter burns to a partial ash