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Zambia is endowed with abundant mineral wealth. The mineral industry is the backbone of the economy of the country, and will continue to be so in the foreseeable future. The mineral export constitutes an important source of country’s foreign currency and gross income. Mineral exploration and production comprise a major part of their economic activities and employment. Further, the African Union’s vision seeks to have a mining sector that is transparent, equitable and with an optimal mineral resources' exploitation level that underpins broad-based sustainable growth and socio-economic development (African Union, 2009). Read On

Category Local Participants International Participants
Early Bird(until 5th July 2019)

Late Registration

(until 31st Oct, 2019)

Early Bird

(until 5th July, 2019)

Late Registration

(until 31st Oct, 2019)

Sponsored partici- pants 1000 1200 US$ 250 US$ 300
Individual partici- pants 800 1000 US$ 200 US$ 250
Student 250 300 US$ 100 US$ 150

The registration fee will cover an abstract volume, conference pro- gram, stationery, three lunches, tea/coffee during session breaks at the conference venue and transfers of participants from designated hotels to the venue and return. Other expenses such as accommoda- tion, dinner etc. are not covered by the registration fee.

Payment of Registration Fee

Payments towards the registration fees can be made on - line or via bank transfer; the details of are given online .

Registration Deadlines

Final Registration must reach the organisers latest by 15 th Septem- ber, 2019 , and late registration by 31 st October 2019 (Download registration form the website: http://mines.unza.zm/conference/ For additional details please visit conference website ( http://mines.unza.zm/conference/)

Online Registration

ON-line registration for the conference is on here on the Conference website ( website: www.cbu.edu.zm/ground ) or download the form here. The filled and scanned form must be sent to the Conference Secretariat: miningconference@cbu.ac.zm

Sponsorship of conference events:

The organisers will be pleased to receive sponsorship for any individual events of the conference such as the venue cost, con- ference materials, support for travel and registration fee to de- serving students/participants, and a conference dinner and lunch- es. Appropriate acknowledgements of the support will be made at the conference venue and in publications related to the confer- ence.

Visa Requirements:

Participants are advised to contact the Zambian Embassy/High Commission/Honorary Council offices in their respective countries regarding the visa require- ment and for visa application to enter Zambia before their jour- ney. You may also visit Zambia Immigration website ( www.zambiaimmigration.gov.zm) for further details..
For additional details please visit conference website (http:// mines.unza.zm/conferenc

Registration details
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