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Zambia is endowed with abundant mineral wealth. The mineral industry is the backbone of the economy of the country, and will continue to be so in the foreseeable future. The mineral export constitutes an important source of country’s foreign currency and gross income. Mineral exploration and production comprise a major part of their economic activities and employment. Further, the African Union’s vision seeks to have a mining sector that is transparent, equitable and with an optimal mineral resources' exploitation level that underpins broad-based sustainable growth and socio-economic development (African Union, 2009). Read On

A. Geology

(1) Geology and geodynamic evolution of Africa, (2) Mineral deposits and ore forming processes, (3) Mineral resources' exploration and eval- uation (4) Hydrogeology and Hydrogeochemistry, (5) Geothermal and other energy resources, (6) Geohazards. (7) Geo parks/ Geo Heritage

B. Mining

(1) Mining technology, instrumentation and mineral economics, (2) Mining at depth and Mass Mining (3) Geo - mechanics (4) Artisanal and Small Scale Mining (5) Gemstones mining (6) Groundwater in mining areas.

C. Metallurgy

(1) Mineral beneficiation (2) Pyrometallurgy (3) Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy (4) Metallurgical accounting (5) Physical Metallur- gy / Materials Science (6)Iron and Steel Making (7)Bio Processing

D. Groundwater Resources

(1)Guidelines for allocating groundwater for non - domestic use (2) Enforcement of regulations on borehole drilling (3 Pricing of ground- water for different uses (4) Monitoring as a groundwater development and management tool (5) Groundwater, rapid urbanization and plan- ning (6) Groundwater in agriculture (7) Groundwater in mining (8) Groundwater resources and climate change (9) Legal and Regulatory frameworks in groundwater resources development and management (10) Remote sensing in groundwater exploration

E. Emerging Issues

(1) Mining industry, environment and sustainable development, (2) The African Union ’ s Mining Vision (2009) and its adaptation (process) by the member countries (3) Energy in Mining and Mineral pro- cessing, (4) Women in mining – Challenges for sustainability

F. Policy

(1) Policy on Value Addition (2) Legal and Regulatory frameworks in mining and water resources sector (3) Mineral Taxation

G. Sustainable Management of Mineral Resources

( 1)Legal framework (2) Interaction between the mining industry and host communities (3) Cooperate Social Responsibility (4) Community and Occupation Health issues (5) Environmental Managemen