


I am based at Copperbelt University, School of Natural Resources, Zambia, and one of the PhD fellows at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, under the NORHED project. My study aims at contributing knowledge to the debate and practicality of a co-management type of governance approach on small-scale inland fisheries in the Great Kafue ecosystem. This is anticipated to promote sustainable fisheries resources utilisation and enhance livelihoods of fishers' households. My study site has been Lake Itezhi-tezhi, much of which lies in the Kafue National Park, Zambia.



I am a researcher with interests in transdisciplinary research that can best address the needs of the rural communities while conserving biodiversity in Zambia. Funded by NORAD under the NORHED project, my PhD assesses the existing Community-Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) systems with a view to develop novel CBNRM models that will sustainably yield maximum benefit to rural communities with minimal environmental degradation in protected areas. Focus is on wildlife, forest and fisheries resources in two case studies i.e. the Kaindu Community Conservancy and the Namwala Game management Area.



Grant Simuchimba is an academic member of staff at the Copperbelt University (CBU) in the Department of Zoology and Aquatic Sciences. Currently, he is a PhD student at Stellenbosch University (SU) in the School of Public Leadership sponsored by the Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED) and the Copperbelt University (CBU). His studies are focused on the economic impacts of protected areas on local communities and the economic leakage of tourism revenue from local areas. He is also interested in the linkages between the geographical settlements, natural resources incomes, socio-economic benefits and costs realised by the locals living around protected areas.



Chikondi Thole is an Urban and Regional Planner by profession. Her research interest in area of Tourism Development Planning began in 2006 with a “Regional Development Plan for the Tourism Sector of Zambia’s Northern Province”. Her research and subsequent publication in 2013 have contributed to Mpulungu District’s tourism development plan. Her Master of Science thesis from Glasgow University’s Economics and Business School, examined the role of Planning Authorities in promoting tourism businesses in Lake District National Park. Mrs Thole’s current doctoral research under the NORHED Project investigates the reasons for the varied performance of the tourism sector in Kafue and South Luangwa National Parks. This study provides an in-depth analysis of the various factors that support or hinder tourism development in Zambia’s national parks. Her contact address is B.Chikondi@gmail.com



Dina Mambwe Kaingu is a Ph.D. student at Stellenbosch University under the Norhed project. She is also a lecturer in the School of Natural Resources at the Copperbelt University. Her background is in agronomy. Dina’s Ph.D. focuses on land use in Mumbwa Game Management Area, one of the buffers to Zambia’s Kafue National park. She is interested in land use because of the constant conflict experienced between using the land for conservation and providing for the local communities living in and around protected areas. One of the contentious issues within Mumbwa GMA is that the search for better livelihoods among the local people leads to illegal land use. As people migrate for better lives, they create settlements and destroy the habitat for wildlife. Dina’s research findings can inform policy on how land in protected can be put to best use by satisfying both conservation and the people’s needs.



Lecturer in the school of natural resources, plant and environmental sciences department. I have Been working at the Copperbelt University for 10years. Courses taught include Silviculture, Rural sociology, Agroforestry extension and Animal Science. Research interests include socio-ecological systems functionality focusing on solutions for human-nature interface in complex systems. Environmental governance and politics. Natural resources conservation for sustainable livelihoods. Sustainable Development and leadership. Currently a PhD fellow at Stellenbosch University. Research area; Protected area (PA) governance, livelihoods and conservation. The aim of the research is to contribute to the body of knowledge for improving governance and economics of protected areas (PAs) in Zambia. Research site is Mufunta game management area (GMA) area in the greater Kafue ecosystem. The GMA borders the Kafue National Park (KNP) on the western boundary. It is in Kahare Chiefdom, located in Nkeyema and Luampa districts in the Western Province of Zambia. It covers 5,417 km2 and ranks third only to Lunga Luswishi and Kasonso Busanga which have sizes of 13,340 km2 and 6,686 km2 respectively.

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