Norhed Project


Improving the governance and economics of protected areas, ecosystem serviecs and poverty eradication through hei capacity- building and transdiciplinary research



Improved research-based HE capacity and transdisciplinary approaches developed for adaptive governance, poverty reduction and climate resilience in biodiversity dependent communities.



Promotion of a research epistemology, capacity and culture that addresses real problems of conservation and development (i.e. Transdisciplinary Research)


The development of a modular professional Masters curriculum


Integrating scholarship into praxis through a rigorous process of evidence-based adaptive management and stakeholder participation


Integrating PhD research into curriculum development at multiple levels


The goal of the project is to develop partnerships between scholars, practitioners, communities and policy makers to transform economic & political institutions so that ecosystem values are translated into sustainable land use practices and poverty reduction. This addresses the problem that Africa is transforming into an economic tiger but, in this process, common pool wild resources and ecosystem services are being exploited unsustainably yet without generating ......

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Intended Outcome

• Multi-nodal partnership in place with regionally recognized competence, publishing jointly in peer reviewed journals and raising additional financing

• Integrated methodology for co-production (with stakeholders) of transformative knowledge developed, published and impacting decisions at local, meso, national and regional levels

• 12 PhD graduate by Y5, and Masters and short course programmes in place at CBU, SAWC, SU,

• Faculty capacity developed to engage proactively in poverty/ empowerment /environmental / policy /practice change processes

• Gender issues tracked in student recruitment and included in curriculum development and as a research/survey issue.

• CBU developed as an empowered player and change agent in Zambian environmental policy and practice

• At least five requests (from donors, private sector, communities, NGOs government) for implementation of TD processes in new areas.

Expected results

Measurable services/products of the project’s activities.

Output One

Team-based Transdisciplinary PhD/Masters programme developed and integrated into Greater Kafue Ecosystem/KAZA and GLTFCA programmes

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Output Two

Regional modular professional Masters programme for NR governance developed and addressing new competencies

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Output Three

Communication strategy ensures knowledge translated into educational, policy and stakeholder processes at multiple levels

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Output Three

Management process developed as an integrative tool with rigorous performance assessment

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OutPut results


% of PhD


% of PhD


(5/9) recruits are female

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