Stellenbosch University


Stellenbosch University ( was established in terms of the Act, University of Stellenbosch (Private) Act, 1992 (House of Assembly) (Act 107 of 1992). The Higher Education Act, 1997 section 72.2 determines: “Any university established or incorporated by a Private Act of Parliament continues to exist and is deemed to be a university established in terms of this Act, notwithstanding the repeal of such Private Act by the Higher Education Amendment Act, 2001.” Stellenbosch University is a fully accredited classic university with 10 faculties: Arts, Economic and Management Sciences, Education, Science, Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Health Sciences, Military Science, Law, Theology and Engineering. In total, 27 823 students were enrolled at SU in 2012 on the annual official SU census date (June 2012). The number of post-graduate students in 2012, namely 9 853, represents 35.4% of all students. The number of international students has increased substantially since 1993 to over 1900 students from more than 70 countries currently enrolled at the University.

Stellenbosch University is recognised as one of the four top research universities in South Africa with a long history of pure and applied research across a large range of disciplines through partnering with industry and government; locally and internationally. The size of the permanently employed personnel corps in 2012, as on the official annual census date, was 2 958 comprising of 939 academic personnel and 2 019 non-academic personnel. SU is ranked amongst the top 400 universities in the world (

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Brief description of the institution’s financial situation, including government support/funding, international support/funding, student fees etc.:

Stellenbosch University is in a financially sound position as can be seen in the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2011 and the unqualified audit report relating to it (refer to No significant changes to this position took place during the 2012 financial year. Below is a graph showing the components of the University’s income:

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